Creating a safe space for the pupils at Burford School

S&C Slatter successfully tendered and won the project to build a new FIH certified hockey pitch for Burford School in 2022 with Slatter Estates Surfaces subsequently contacted and selected to improve the car parking facilities within the school grounds.
Burford School is located in the Cotswolds adjacent to a busy road. The historic school recognised that the safety of students, staff and visitors was paramount and therefore invested in a number of measures to update the tired car park, ensuring the safety of all those who use the facilities, entrusting Slatter Estates Surfaces to carryout the work.

Slatter Estates Surfacing designed, priced and built a new car park including a new access road to the hockey facility built by S&C Slatter (Approx 2500 m2). The works consisted full construction/drainage, surfacing and lining works to accommodate approximately 50 cars.
The new car park was designed with safety of users and pedestrians in mind, with features including an accessible route from the car park to the hockey pitch, safe crossing points, well-lit walkways and clearly marked parking bays.
The construction work was carried out to a high standard, and the finished surface is both durable against traffic and weather. We are confident that this new car park will provide an excellent service to users for many years to come.

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