242 Space Car Park and Macadam Surfaces for Roedean School

Roedean School sports facilities and footpaths
Roedean Logo
Our Service:
Macadam Car Park
Macadam Hard Standings
Macadam Pathways
Macadam Roadway
Our Facility:
242-space Macadam stadium car park
Tarmacadam Car Park & Roadway 1200m2
Tarmacadam Hard Standings & Pathways. 1900m2
Tarmacadam Tennis & Netball Courts with polyurethane colour coating. 7210m2.
Maintenance Services & Equipment
Floodlighting, Illuminated Bollards and Fencing systems
3 weeks

Roedean School is nestled in the South Downs National Park on the outskirts of Brighton, taking pride in its advantageous cliff-top location. The listed building right next door further necessitates the design and construction of any new external sports facilities so as to minimise the visual impact on the nearby environment.

S&C Slatter and Slatter Estates Surfaces, in collaboration with the School and local authorities, created a pioneering engineering solution that saw extensive cut and fill operations join with a series of retaining walls to form new construction footprints unobtrusively tucked into the Sussex hillside.


We had to weigh up these matters against the need to create a great asset that would match the huge increase of pupils at the school, and that would offer practical advantages.

The new FIH National Performance Standard certified hockey facility boasts a FieldTurf Hockey Gold Elite artificial turf playing surface. As for the refurbished tennis court complex, it has been colour coated with a water-based polyurethane over tarmacadam.

Thanks to the introduction of a 48-space tarmacadam car park and access road, parking possibilities on the site have been significantly improved. This has enabled the creation of a network of footpaths and transitions that connect all the parts of the site.

“Roedean is immensely proud to have Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh, Olympic Hockey Champions, on board as their Sports Ambassadors. The school is absolutely delighted that the new facility will enable their students to strive for greatness just like these two phenomenal athletes.” Richard Poffley, Director of Finance and Administration of Roedean School, expresses his enthusiasm.

Roedean are incredibly proud that Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh, both Olympic Hockey Champions are the School’s Sports Ambassadors, and are delighted that the new facility will enable the pupils to aim for the heights that these two outstanding athletes have reached.
Richard Poffley
Director of Finance and Administration, Roedean School

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